Insights The rise of employee generated content

There was once a time when influencer marketing was booming; our Instagrams full of influencers and content creators telling us about the latest products or services they were using and why we should use them too. However, in recent times, there has been a shift away from this in favour of Employee Generated Content, or EGC. While some brands have already started using it, do you feel you fully understand what it is and how it can be used within your marketing mix? If not, don’t worry. I’ve broken down all the info you need to know, so you can make an educated decision as to whether it’s right for you and your business. Shall we begin?
What is Employee Generated Content (EGC)?
EGC is a new(er) form of influencer marketing which puts employees of a company or brand at the forefront, using them as brand advocates for the company they work with. Much like traditional Influencer marketing, EGC hopes to influence viewers and followers that the company is great to work with (helping from a sales and client perspective) and for (helping employee value propositions, or EPVs).
EGC can be anything from individuals posting on social media, like a LinkedIn post, reposting one of the company’s social posts with their own thoughts, writing blog posts or insights, sharing photos of them with the wider team – pretty much anything that showcases their voice and shared their thoughts with a wider audience.
What are the benefits of EGC?
1. Helps to build authenticity and trust
EGC provides a genuine view of the company, as it comes directly from your employees. This authenticity can help build trust with potential candidates when recruiting, both potential and current customers, and other stakeholders as it helps them build a more accurate picture of what the company is like and who is behind the brand.
2. Improves employee engagement
Involving employees in content creation is a great way to help increase their engagement and sense of belonging. It can also boost morale as employees feel valued and heard.
3. Employer branding
Showcasing the positive aspects of working at the company can enhance its reputation as an employer of choice, attracting top talent and reducing recruitment costs.
4. Reach a wider audience
As mentioned above, as your employees would be sharing social posts etc with their audience, you are therefore getting in front of a wider reach and audience than you otherwise would if they didn’t share it.
Okay, I know, you’re probably sitting there thinking, “That’s all well and good, but surely there are some drawbacks, like anything else”?
What are the cons of EGC?
1. Quality Control
Ensuring consistent quality and messaging can be challenging when content is generated by a wide range of employees.
2. Potential Negativity
If employees have negative experiences, they might share these publicly, potentially harming the company’s image.
Now, while there are a couple of possible downsides to EGC, we’d definitely say the pros easily outweigh the cons and would recommend that you add this to your marketing strategy if you don’t already have it! Not only is it a great way to reach new audiences, but it helps strengthen your EVP and helps the wider team feel involved and included in your marketing efforts, which can only be a good thing. Will you be giving EGC a go? Let us know!
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