Brand strategy Creating a foundation for your verbal and visual brand
What we do
A clearly defined brand strategy provides the foundation for both your brand and your business. We use a brand model that puts your core purpose – your ‘why’ – at the centre of your existence. We also define your ambition as a business, what you do and how you do it, the key audiences that your brand needs to engage with, your brand differentiators, your brand values and your brand personality. We then work with you to create a verbal and visual brand that provides a consistent and compelling experience for the people your brand needs to connect with.
Who we've done it for
- University of Southampton Science Park
- Amiri Construction
- RedRock Consulting
- Rappa
- RedLux
- Inflowmatix
- Bakedin
- Aster
- Vivid
- Stonewater
- Questex – IHIF
- HawkEye
- More+

Why do you need it?
A defined brand strategy creates the basis of both your verbal and visual brand. Without understanding your core brand essence, you run the risk of investing money in creative solutions that are not underpinned by a brand narrative that supports it. One should always lead the other. We go beyond creative vanity and help identify the problems you exist to solve, and create a platform that enables your brand to solve them.

How we do it
Insight, insight, insight. It is very easy to suggest the answer to all your brand challenges can be defined in a 20 minute conversation. If you don’t carry out proper research then you can’t identify the issues and know how to solve them. Our approach uses a combination of different approaches:
1. Interactive workshops
We create immersive environments where we involve people from various levels of an organisation. Sessions include audience mapping, SWOT analysis, benefit identification, personality drawing and more. Usually super-charged with lots of goodies to keep energy levels high.
2. External insight
We go beyond the internal view of the business. We connect with our clients’ customers and partners to get the inside line on the business. Approaches are tailored for each client, but can include interviews, surveys, focus groups, polls and more. It gives us a different perspective so we achieve an authentic, real-world view of genuine brand truths.
3. Visual audit
For brands beyond start-up that have a visual presence, we evaluate where they are and what can be improved in line with the strategic platform we create. It helps all parties to see where they are at and identify any issues.
4. Verbal audit
We extract and analyse the words and phrases that the brand, company or organisation uses. This identifies what is working and aligning with the future brand narrative, what can be improved and whether a new direction is required.
5. A behavioural audit
We look at how employees connect with the brand, company or organisation. This includes the way they speak, talk and interact, along with any messages or signals they give off.
6. Peer audit
In addition to direct competitors, we work with you to identify and analyse organisations that you might aspire to or benchmark yourselves against. This can be across multiple sectors.
7. Definition
After the discovery and insight phase is complete, we retire to a strategy ‘hub’ and set about defining the brand under the core pillars. This involves writing, testing and a feedback cycle to achieve sign off.

The outcome
The outcome of a defined brand strategy is a foundation that the brand can build on both internally and externally, and use to influence and affect a whole host of activity. It provides a solid narrative for the brand as well as a basis for the visual creativity and innovation of the brand. It should be used to affect how you think, communicate, present the business, behave, define what you do or sell, differentiate yourself in the market, and engage and connect with people. And more.
Let's talk
- Call us +44 (0) 1256 334567
Are you interested to learn more about how Brand strategy can make a difference to your business? Well, it all starts with that first “hello” and we’d love to hear from you. If you have a project you’d like to talk to us about, give us a call or get in touch below.